Thursday, September 11, 2008

Happy Birthday Kiddo

Today my second daughter turns two. People say terrible two and true enough, they are terrible (I wonder how was I when I was at that age). But it is just like yesterday when she first screams into my ears. The moment I held her in my arms. But it was the loud cry that melts my heart and it was the loud cry that stopped my heart beat. She was a gift and a trust bestowed upon me from Heavens.
From thereon I see her grow from trying to turn on her own until she takes her first step. I know I missed some of the actions in between but I always wanted to be there for her and stop at nothing for her (same goes for the sister too).
I wonder whether I will be able to see her takes on life in the future but I will do my best to ensure that she is to take on life at it is. I wonder what she'll be in the future. But whatever she'll be, I will tell her that she'll always be my daughter and like my father who's always there for me, I will always be there for her.
Happy Birthday Kiddo.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

If I ...

(i) ... knew that the moment I say goodbye to my father at the airport when he dropped me and my family before his holiday in Egypt would be the last time I would actually see my father, I would have said thank you very much to him for making me what I am today, tell him I am sorry for the short coming, tell him how much I love him and tell him that I’d miss him always.

(ii) … can read my father’s wisdom , I would have appreciated him more when he first sent me to “sekolah pondok”.

(iii) … am able to see through my father’s eye, I wouldn’t have wasted time dating my first girlfriend.

(iv) … knew what I know today, I wouldn’t have regretted so much on things.

(v) … knew that some friends cannot be trusted, I wouldn’t be bothered to make friends at the first place.

(vi) … become the Prime Minister of Malaysia (may be one day and the day may not come), I would appoint my friends as the Chief Police, Chief Secretary to the Government, the Director Generals to all the Government Department and my wife as the Chief Justice of the Federal Court and my brother as the Chief of the Armed Forces.

(vii) … become the Prime Minister of Malaysia (also may be one day and the day may not come), I would let my daughter marry the future kings in Malaysia.

(viii) … am allowed to do anything today, I would have slapped most of the UMNO leaders and ask them to stop bickering.

(ix) … have money now in my pocket, I would have given all of them to the poor.

(x) … have a son in the future, I want him to be a fighter pilot.

(xi) … can help the people, I would help them to go through the rough times.

(xii) … have a piece of land somewhere, I would build my “hiding” spot there.

(xiii) … can control anything in this world, I would control the water supply.

(xiv) … am allowed to choose my career, I would have become a fighter pilot.

(xv) … decide to buy a piece of property, the piece of property would be as in the picture

(xvi) … can come out with a better “if I” list, I would have done so.