Friday, June 10, 2005

The week it was

Monday, 6 June 2005

As my wife was outstation again, I have to assume her role among others, send my daughter to the baby sitter. Thus, I woke up at 6.00 a.m. and started to prepare her stuff and ironing my shirt and pants for work. She’s still asleep bearing in mind that she played the whole day on Sunday with the “Nenek”.

At 7.00 a.m. I had two slices of bread while watching the morning news (at the same time channel surfing) and then started to get dressed. Oh… I forgot, I did make a bottle of milk for my daughter as she drinks as if there’s no more milk tomorrow.

7.20 a.m. I gently carry my daughter to the car as she was still sleeping (so she won’t throw a hissy fit in the car) (oh.. gosh the smell. I forgot to change her nappy) and ferry her to her “mak’s” (that what she calls the baby sitter) and as I walk her to the babysitter’s place she mumbled and then left me as she disappear into the babysitter’s house.

8.40 a.m. I was already in the office. I have 23 unread e-mails. I opened each of them and I found out that I have couple of meetings throughout the week and I have to review as well as draft several documents. So, I started my day reviewing one agreement. It was from New Jersey, US of A. After reading several paragraphs, I realized all the clauses were in a mess. And since when Malaysia was a Arabic Republic of Malaysia (even though some leaders wants to make Malaysia as a republic). So, since the American guy is in Malaysia, I set up a meeting (by fitting it in between two meetings on Tuesday) between the American party and us.

1.00 p.m. had lunch in my room at the office

1.30 p.m. continue work until 5.30 p.m. and rushed home to fetch my daughter.

Tuesday, 7 June 2005

Same process like Monday but by 9.00 a.m I was already at the office beating in mind that I have three meetings at 10.00 a.m., 12.00 noon and 3.30 p.m. respectively. In between I had to rush all the agreements I had to draft earlier. Still coping with all of it.

Dealt with all crappy thing with the client and ironically, for the clients, they have appointed us to give them “legal advice” but they are talking as if they know better. Never mind, it is you who’s going to get it. I have discharged my duties towards my client.

5.00 p.m. rushed back home again. But this time not to pick up my daughter because my mother in law has done that but to do some shopping. It was my wife birthday on the day she left for work. So, I said, claim your present when you come back.

So, I walk here and there trying to find something for her. I don’t have a clue actually. I came across the chocolate (hand made chocolate) shop and I entered. Bought a box and I still don’t know whether it was enough. So, walked again until I was in front of another shop. As I entered to shop, dozens of eyes were looking at me as if I was a criminal who was just released. [Void] [Void] [Void] [Void] [Void] [Void] [Void].

Ran to Lovely Lace to get a box (as my wife likes her present in a box) and a card for her.

Went to my mother in law’s to fetch my daughter.

Took my mother in law for dinner.

Stood in front of the stall to place my order. After a while, nobody asked me why I was standing there. Told the man at the stall that I have yet to place my order. I was ignored again (bearing in mind what a “great day” I had today and the fact I had sandwich for lunch). Not "sabar" enough. Told mother in law we were leaving. Had dinner at Warisan.

At home, tried very hard to make a box I bought earlier. After ½ hour trying, managed to assemble the box even though I think I tore the box a bit. Well it looks so easy when she does it. Put the thing I bought for her in the box and put the chocolate in the refrigerator. Try to write something on the card as my daughter spilled some milk on the card (never mind, take it as if she writes something for her mummy). Complete writing task and put it in the envelope and placed it on the coffee table so she finds it on the table when she gets back tomorrow.

Wednesday, 8 June 2005

Repeat the same thing in the morning.

Dealt with the same things at work. Got all worked up with this American idiot (not GWB) and some other lawyers.

Got back early and found out that wife still at the airport. Called her and she said she’s on the way back. Told her that I will fetch her from the train station (ERL).

At the ERL station, waited for wife to disembark. Saw a beautiful lady walking and later found out it was my wife. She definitely beautiful all right (Grace to the Allah). You know the time when you see a person as if the whole world stopped functioning? That was how I felt at that moment.

Took wife for dinner and then fetch daughter.

Thursday, 9 June 2005

In the office by 8.40 a.m.

Had a meeting with some lawyers. Was pissed because senior lawyer didn’t allow me to talk and give my view and senior lawyer put words into my mouth. Feel like putting my foot on her back side.

Got back to the office and try to figure out how to do what the senior lawyer wants. Think it was unreasonable and wrote note to boss. Boss agreed with my view saying the senior lawyer was an old timer and didn’t value commercial side of an agreement.

Did my best to follow the outline given for the agreement and then sent to boss for approval. Boss called me later at home saying he is agreeable to my draft.
Friday, 10 June 2005

In the office by 8.30 a.m.

Read and reply e-mails.

Sent out drafts agreements to client and other lawyers. Since boss has left for Bali, I signed several letter for him.

Then write up this post and by the time I finished writing, I am preparing to go out for lunch and Friday prayer.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Huh... rapist to pay???

The Star reported that there is a suggestion from the Human Rights Commission of Malaysia for rape offenders to pay for medical bills, treatment etc of their victim. But would this be workable. Laws can be enacted and amended but when it comes to the implementation, the enforcement agencies would in one way or another be hindered because the laws are just not workable and can’t be enforced. On the papers, yes the laws say, every rapist should pay for the medical bills, treatment etc of the victim but the problem lies within the whole scenario itself.

Most rapist who are charged, found guilty and subsequently convicted under Section 376 of the Penal Code are poor people or they are from the 1) low income group. 2) those who are not able to “release” their desires else where. What more now, even in Malaysia we can see women wearing their brassiere in Jalan Bukit Bintang.

Men being men, and having two heads without enough blood supply to cater for both, they tend to get “excited” seeing the phenomenon. But for those who are capable and have the means to go to Lorong Haji Taib (I think Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur should forward a suggestion to change the name of this Lorong) they would go there and “relief” themselves at the place or for those who are filthy rich, they word order a mail ordered “reliever”.

The problem lies with those who are not able to do any of the above and the easiest way is 1) to go after the one you know (be it your girl friend, girlfriend sister, girlfriend mother (that’s just sick but come to think of it if the girlfriend’s mother looks like Priscilla Prestley, why not?) or the worst case scenario is those who goes after their daughter, sister granddaughter etc.).

So, a person economical status would play a major role in this kind of cases (i.e. rape and molest (this would fall under another section of the Penal Code)). If he can relief himself by paying another person whose job is to satisfy people (that sounds like my job. Satisfy client and get paid), then he would not go out and reach for the unreachable and/or do the unthinkable. So, to ask a person to pay would mean that the judgment would continue to stay on the piece of paper and payment towards the victim will have to wait until it is paid.

The second problem lies, at least if the rapist is free outside, he can go and find a job and work he’s stupid ass to pay the victim. But the rapist is in jail. How to generate income from within (other than daily allowance paid to them for works done therein)?

That was not the only suggestion which I have come across and would cause problem at the implementation stage. Look at the cyber laws. Do we have anything to cover those individuals who provide a service to local (I mean Malaysia) people? Say if I were to host a server in the Cayman Island providing something like (pay per view) porn site or something similar or I hosted a server where people can join a room and bare parts of their bodies (and I don’t mean hand and fingers) to the room. Would I be prosecuted for hosting the server here in Malaysia since the server is in the Cayman Island?

The next problem lies within the Anti Money Laundering Act (let’s call it AMLA). AMLA provides that money which comes from an illegal activity would be (the illegal activities is provided in Schedule 2 of AMLA) fall under AMLA. But do the prosecution need to prove that the illegal activities was done or the person need to it is just suffice to say suspicion of an illegal offence is enough to bring a person to answer a charge under the AMLA? Because in some part of the world, selling drugs or prostitution is not an offence per se.

These are the questions that linger in my head at the moment. Do the parliamentary draft men think of these questions or they just proceed to enact laws or amend laws whenever instructed? I know they are smart people up there (and that’s why I was not selected to join them) but I seems now the trend is just follow what those people said in the parliament or suggested to them.

My suggestion would be….

“CUT IT OFF” (ouchhhhh)