We are not bothered... it seem
Perlis, Kedah, Kelantan and some part of Terenganu have been flooded due to the recent monsoon season. It is believed to be one of the worst floods ever since the past 20 years. However, the flood in those states cannot be the measure to counter the flood in the National Registration Department recently. Not with water but with people who needs to replace their identity card with the new more advanced MyCard. Strange enough, even though we were given more than 3 years to replace the identity card with MyCard, there are more people who actually went to the NRD for the same reason for the past one month as compared to the past two years. I wonder why.
For the past three or four days, I have been watching the news on the TV and I noticed a lot of people are not satisfied because they are not able to proceed with their application to replace their identity card with MyCard. The complains were among others, “We were told that the number (use to determine your turn to see the officer) is finish”. One NRD office actually recorded the highest number of numbers issued on that day. And not including any other complain we heard on the news.
Then, being a true Malaysian, we started to blame the officers at the NRD or the NRD for not accommodating their wishes. That’s what we do. Say this and that. NRD should open extra hours or NRD should make things easier for them. But what have you been doing all these while. Three years. Not three hours or three months. What have you been doing for the past three years and now you couldn’t get the number you’re blaming the authorities. Come on people. Don’t tell me you don’t have one day free for the past 1095 days.
The reasons given: -
One lady in Penang, “Mak Cik tak dak masa langsong. Ya lah buat kerja rumah, buat itu buat ini. Lagipun kalau nak mai sorang mak cik tak tau. Kena tunggu anak mak cik bawak mak cik mai” (I have no time at all. I do this and that at home. Further I don’t know how to come here alone. I have to wait for my children to take me here)
Well, the reason given by the mak cik above sound reasonable and innocent enough. But wait until you read the reason given below.
“I’m so busy working. No time at all. So this is my chance to come”. (I wonder that now he has time to do so?)
Well if you work non-stop for the past three years you must have accumulated all the money to at least pay for the replacement card already right. No need to rush and make your card now and only today you have time to go and make your card. Two words to describe the situation. It is all bull shit (may be it is more than two words). So I have come to the conclusion that we are back to square one. Malaysian is a bunch of whiners and nothing is our fault. That’s what we are if we see what had happened recently. The don’t bother until the last minute attitude. That’s the other conclusion. We are just not bothered to do what is required or at least what the authorities want us to do. Same with registering yourself as voters in your country and many other things that we can do but we however neglect refuse or ignore the obligation imposed on us. In the MyCard situation, it is for free. The Government are not asking for anything more. Just a little of our time. Oh Malaysia.
For the past three or four days, I have been watching the news on the TV and I noticed a lot of people are not satisfied because they are not able to proceed with their application to replace their identity card with MyCard. The complains were among others, “We were told that the number (use to determine your turn to see the officer) is finish”. One NRD office actually recorded the highest number of numbers issued on that day. And not including any other complain we heard on the news.
Then, being a true Malaysian, we started to blame the officers at the NRD or the NRD for not accommodating their wishes. That’s what we do. Say this and that. NRD should open extra hours or NRD should make things easier for them. But what have you been doing all these while. Three years. Not three hours or three months. What have you been doing for the past three years and now you couldn’t get the number you’re blaming the authorities. Come on people. Don’t tell me you don’t have one day free for the past 1095 days.
The reasons given: -
One lady in Penang, “Mak Cik tak dak masa langsong. Ya lah buat kerja rumah, buat itu buat ini. Lagipun kalau nak mai sorang mak cik tak tau. Kena tunggu anak mak cik bawak mak cik mai” (I have no time at all. I do this and that at home. Further I don’t know how to come here alone. I have to wait for my children to take me here)
Well, the reason given by the mak cik above sound reasonable and innocent enough. But wait until you read the reason given below.
“I’m so busy working. No time at all. So this is my chance to come”. (I wonder that now he has time to do so?)
Well if you work non-stop for the past three years you must have accumulated all the money to at least pay for the replacement card already right. No need to rush and make your card now and only today you have time to go and make your card. Two words to describe the situation. It is all bull shit (may be it is more than two words). So I have come to the conclusion that we are back to square one. Malaysian is a bunch of whiners and nothing is our fault. That’s what we are if we see what had happened recently. The don’t bother until the last minute attitude. That’s the other conclusion. We are just not bothered to do what is required or at least what the authorities want us to do. Same with registering yourself as voters in your country and many other things that we can do but we however neglect refuse or ignore the obligation imposed on us. In the MyCard situation, it is for free. The Government are not asking for anything more. Just a little of our time. Oh Malaysia.