Tuesday, June 06, 2006

The Story I Heard....

Well, I know that it has been a while since I have written here but I’ve been a little busy with work. But here I am and I’m telling you a story. Several years ago, when I was in school up north, an old man who is the gardener of the Kedah Royal Mausoleum told me the story.

Before I go on further with the story of the old man, let me tell you a bit of the school background. If you ever came across the news in the late 80’s and the early 90’s you may have heard a story where my school had incidents where most of the students were disturbed by god knows what. Even the media and the late Tunku Abd Rahman Putra went to visit. Some say ghost from next door and some say the keeper of the place where the hostel was built but nobody can justify the real thing.

For at least 3 years, we can’t really put our focus on our studies (not that I’m complaining because every time that “thing” disturbed us we were given the permission to leave the school early). At the hostel, some testified of seeing headless creatures, flying white cloth (some of them are flying white bed sheets actually. We do that to scare the freshie during their orientation week) and there were stories that students experienced their bed being shaken so on and so forth and I can assure you that some of the stories can make you pee your pants.

There were incidents where my room mates heard their names being whispered to his ears in the middle of the night and the fact that nobody was there or incidents where our bed were shook violently when nobody’s around and that makes eight of us in the room fled the room and seek shelter somewhere else.

There are a lot more stories which we experienced or heard form students. But no story can beat the story told by the gardener. This was told by the old folks in the village nearby and it has been going as old as time itself. We were told that the land where the male hostel stood was once a place where the ancient Hindus carry out their rituals and the offering to their gods. Some say that they sacrifice the young men as offering for their gods to protect them from a creature that roams the village. We were told that the place where the sacrificial table was located was in fact in our dining room.

People who lived nearby heard screaming and some even saw a huge dark figure roaming the area. Nobody dares to investigate what the thing was and every time it appears, the villagers are already in their homes seeking shelter. This creature roams the night seeking for creating chaos and to some instances death happens to one of the villagers or the least was bad things happens to the villagers. The practice of offering sacrifice continued for a long time and nobody knows why it stops. Some say that the whole population was killed one night when the creature went on a rampage.

Time goes by, and then the location was made a burial place for the Kedah Royal family. The gardener told us that he heard voices from a tomb (which is said to be the tomb of the famous Raja Bersiong). Things happened there and villager can tell you a lot of strange stories. One of them being the story of the flying coffin. The people saw coffin came out from the tomb and actually flew from one tree to another. The trees caught fire right after the coffin flew to the other tree. They also see human bodies without heads walking around the compound of the Royal Mausoleum. They were the guards who are protecting the Royal Mausoleum and were killed by the Siamese army during the invasion of the Siamese army of Kedah.

On top of that, there were some villagers who say that they saw a dark huge hairy creature roaming around the Royal Mausoleum. The villagers concluded that the dark huge hairy creature was the same creature that killed the whole village before them.

Our hostel was built right after the Japanese force was defeated in World War II. Starting thereon students experienced a lot of incidents, which is unexplainable by human reasons. Students go missing for days and then came back just to say that they were taken to another place by some creature so on and so forth. Some other witnessed flying creature calling their name or their friend’s name in the middle of the night. I can testify to these incidents because in the early 1990’s, during the early days of my stay at the hostel, I saw a white creature (human looking with white hair and long and sharp teeth) hovers on top of my friend’s bed shouting his name and calling him with deep scary voice. I think I had fever for almost one week after the incident. One day, students saw the dark hairy creature in their dining room. Nobody went to have dinner that night. All went into their room and started reciting verses the Quran and pray for their safety. But that does not stop the creature from disturbing the students. The creature, which was according to the story told, was about ten feet high, dark and hairy always appear during full moon to disturb the students and those who are living in the village nearby. He’s place of appearance in the hostel was the dining room and the bathroom.

Some students say that they saw the creature eating bloody thingy but no one knows what it was. Until one day in the early 80’s, one student is brave enough to wait in the dining room and see what the creature was and why he always appears in the dining room. He waited in the dining room one night during full moon for the creature to appear. After a while (some say right after midnight and some say early morning), he saw a huge dark hairy figure appeared in the dining room.

He jumped out from his hiding place and shouted, “Hoi, buat apa tu?” (translation: What are you doing?). The creature turned around and the student can’t believe his eyes. There it was the creature, huge and tall standing in front of him. The creature says in his deep voice,

“…Makan snek Mamee….”

And that’s the scariest story been told to me while I was in school. Damn the gardener. Ingatkan cerita betul la…. (I thought it was a real story).

Moral of the Story,

Never too exited to hear the ending of a story