Monday, March 16, 2009

Why Golf is always better than Any other Sport

This is just an extension of my post just now. This is why golf is always better than other sport.

1. Golfers don't spit and scratch their privates on national television.

2. Golfers don't kick dirt on other people.

3. Golf is an honourable game played by an overwhelming majority of honourable people who don't need referees.

4. Golfers don’t swear at referees if their balls go out-of-bound.

5. Golfers are compensated in direct proportion to how well they play.

6. The PGA Tour raises more money for charity in one year than the any other sport does in two.

7. Pro golfers can answer a question without having to wait till they see the videotape.

8. When pro golfers hit a foul ball, they don't get another chance. They either are penalized or they have to go find it and hit it again.

9. Pro golfers throw things to fans, not at them.

10. People don't ruin their lives betting on the outcome of golf tournaments.

11. Baseball, basketball and football players play golf when they retire. Pro golfers don't play baseball, basketball and football when they retire.

12. You can play golf by yourself.

13. No golfer has ever told a reporter or a group of reporters that he or she is the greatest ever to play the game.

14. Golf doesn't have training camp and overpriced exhibition games.

15. It is virtually impossible to "fix'' a pro golf tournament.

17. Golf fans don't throw things at the players.

18. When pro golfers make a mistake, there is nobody there to cover for them or back them up.

19. Michael Jordan wishes he were a pro golfer.

20. Kids are never murdered over a pair of golf shoes.

21. Golfers call their own plays.

22. You can see the best golfers in the world up close at the U.S. Open all day, every day, for $25 or $30. It'll cost you $275 for a ticket in the nosebleed section of the Super Bowl.

23. Pro golfers don't charge $20 or more for an autograph.

24. In pro golf, you can't fail 70 percent of the time and make $9 million per season.

25. Golf lessons don't include tips on how to break the rules and get away with it.

26. Golfers don't hold out for more money, or demand new contracts.

27. Golfers don't get a per diem and two seats on a chartered airplane when they travel from one tournament to the next.

28. Golfers don't do everything possible to disrupt the play of their opponents.

29. Golfers do their own laundry.

30. Golf doesn't have a 3-stroke shot.

31. Golfers don't lobby to get something they haven't earned with their clubs.

32. Golfers don't claim that it takes exceptional intelligence to play their game well.

33. Golf doesn't change its rules to attract more fans.

34. Pro golfers don't have bodyguards or entourages.

35. Pro golfers don't have closed practices.

36. Pro golfers keep their clothes on while they're being interviewed (applicable to Football).

37. Greg Norman shakes your hand and says he is happy to meet you; probably, other sport pro wears T-shirts that say "Leave me alone.''

38. Pro golfers don't get in fights in bars.

39. Pro golfers never say "I just want some respect.''

40. Children don't have to "take it like a man'' to play golf.

41. Pro golfers don't feel cheated because the game owes them something.

42. Pro golfers can't substitute for themselves when they're having a bad day.

43. Not only does nobody levy fines against pro golfers who choose not to practice, but nobody cares.

44. Pro golf doesn't have free agency.

45. Pro golfers don't try to renegotiate their earnings.

46. Fat people and skinny people can play golf.

47. Pro golfers can't abuse alcohol and drugs and be successful.

48. You can hear birds chirping at a pro golf tournament. You hear a steady stream of four-letter words and nasty name-calling in stadiums and arenas while you're hoping nobody spills beer on you.

49. You don’t smell urine or booze on the golf course.


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