Sunday, February 07, 2010

Married people's problem...

I have been married for almost eight years now. Many people say the rough days are over and things could sail through easily now. But on the contrary, I think there's a lot more to do and a lot more things for me to learn as a husband.

I have a great wife and sometimes I wonder what I could do more to be a better husband to my wife and a better father to my lovely children and like I say, there are a lot more things for me to do.

But lately, friends have been calling me asking advice on marital problems and this left me somewhere in between. If I say something, probably my "lead" could fix their problem and may be in a very small chance, it could give them a very bad heading if they were to follow my "lead".

I mean, those who asked me are friends, and quite close and I do not want to see something bad happen to them. What more if that something bad happens to them after "consulting" me.

Personally, I think problems between people, specifically marital problems, whatever it could be must be solved between husband and wife. No outside parties should be involved. But on second thought, I'm also thinking, what if both of them need some "lead" to decide on what to do next. So, I'm back at step number one.

Then what should I say? Should I give "blame it all on the wife" advice (which I think it is wrong at the first place) or the man is the one who should look more into the problem, analyse properly, consider them and try be a man. Steer the ship out of the stormy weather and look into the bright future ahead.

Let's take it this way, your wife is also a human being with feelings and needs. If you don't look into them, then, it is either somebody will "help" you do that or worse still, your wife decide that she does not need you after all since you're useless to her.

As I was saying, whatever the problem would be, parents or in-laws meddling with your "space" or be it financial. You should take charge and try to come out of it. No problem is too hard to solve.


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