Wednesday, April 08, 2009

The People Have Spoken

The results of the by-election both in Bukit Selambau and in Bukit Gantang have shown that people don’t really want UMNO anymore. Or can I say people don’t want BN to be in the fray anymore.


As I was waiting for the result last night, I watched couple of “experts” commenting on the by-election. One way or another, it is not much to say that most of them are correct in saying UMNO should stop using the tactics they have been using for the past 60 years. It is rather “Jurassic” as compared to the tactics brought by the opposition.


As an example, the main stream media have played again and again how Bukit Selambau need development but what BN has failed to do is ask themselves what they have been doing for the past 50 years because Bukit Selambau has never been represented by any other party except BN until the 12th General Election. So if that card is played and people know the “real situation”, then that question is otiose.


Not to forget how the main stream media is highlighting that Dato’ Seri Mohamad Nizar is a “penderhaka”. The only thing he said was “ Ampun Tuanku, sembah derhaka patik sembahkan”. That does not mean he is a “penderhaka”. In the language of the Malay Palace, that phrase is used when one (a subject) is having a different opinion with the King. Compare to the banner “Kami nak Deris Natang” in Terengganu opposing the Sultan’s choice of the Menteri Besar. Which is “derhaka” to the King and which is otherwise?


Well, that one is already clarified by a lot of people. What I wanted to say here is basically, if BN and UMNO want to garner the votes of the rakyat from now on, there should be a fair reporting (well we can’t really trust that the main stream media would do so but the government can give more licence to run private television company), equal chances and NO USE OF THE GOVERNMENT ORGAN like the police force as UMNO and BN should have realised that the Royal Malaysian Police is NOT owned by UMNO or BN and same goes with the rest of the government department.


There must be a cleaner (in the sense that all parties are given equal chances) to win any election. Not make a norm that you tight up your opponent’s hands and leg and blindfold them before you throw them into the boxing ring and tell them to box. Give fairer chances and we’ll get the rightful winner.


p/s: I’m not commenting on the Batang Ai by-election as that was predictable. Ask any Sarawakian and they would be able to tell you how the campaign is.


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