Friday, May 20, 2005

Let's sit and think for a while...

First of all, don’t take me wrongly. It was and never will be my intention to show that I am a good servant of Allah and the most pious being by posting this post. Just to share all this with my fellow brothers and sisters. That’s my real intention and what more that today is Friday. Master of all days.

But have you ever felt so small, little, petite and tiny? Smaller that the smallest living creature living in this Universe. Smaller than the smallest dust particles on your windowpane. Because no matter how rich you are, there is somebody richer than you. If you feel you are smart, there’s somebody richer than you. If you feel you are strong, there’s always somebody stronger then you.

Or have you ever felt you are alone? Have you ever felt that you are in trouble (deep shit more like it)? Have you ever feel sad? May be you haven’t talk to Him lately. Have you talk to Him lately?

Why I am asking you all this? Just to remind all of you of our obligations and what are we supposed to do as a “Servant” of Allah. I spoke to Him just now and believe it or not I feel better. All the trouble went away and you will not feel as if (you are in deep shit) or as troubled as you think you are because you know He is there looking after you. Always.

Imagine if He were to charge us for the air we breathe (Say if He were to charge us ¼ cents per liter of O2 we inhale every second. Let’s do the math here. Average human lungs (you don’t count the athletes la) can take up to 5 liters of O2 (that’s oxygen for those who didn’t take Science class) that will be RM0.0125 every time you inhale. Imagine if you inhale 7 times (which I think is more) in a minute for (say average human being lives for 60 years) 60 years. That will be RM551,880.00 (That is if my calculation if correct. Note that I am not an accountant). Imagine if He were to ask back what He has given and showered to us. Imagine all that. Imagine the bills that come to us every month if He were to charge us for the air we breathe (Like TNB of SYABAS bills). But He didn’t ask all that. Right?

Once in a while put everything away, your wealth, your wisdom, your strength and everything you think you posses and talk to Him. Ask Him whatever you wish for. If you feel poor ask Him. If you feel weak ask Him. If you are troubled with all the worldly matters ask Him. Ask Him for more Happiness. More Wealth. More Wisdom. More Strength (to face the world and to be able to go on with your life) and most importantly ask for His guidance and forgiveness AND NOT FORGETTING TO TELL HIM THAT YOU ARE THANKFUL FOR ALL HEHAS GIVEN YOU ALWAYS.

Prostrate and give yourself totally to Him (as a Master and Servant) and ask. The conversation below can be a guide for you to talk to HIM.

“Praise and Glory to you O Allah and Peace upon your Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.

O Ye the most Merciful,
We thank you for what you have given us

O Ye the Forgiver,
Forgive me for all the sins I have committed O Allah
Forgive my family and my friends or what they have done
Forgive my teachers who labored to make me who I am today
Forgive all Muslims in the world O Allah
Bless me O Allah with all your blessings

O Ye Merciful,
Open the doors to Heaven for us and lead us toward it
Let us dwell not in Hell and shut all doors to Hell, as we are not able to face your Punishments as we are just a tiny being before you O Allah
Light our grave with the light of Quran and make our grave one of the garden in the Paradise and please O Almighty, don’t you make our grave one of the holes of your Hell

O Ye the Wisest of all,
Make Quran and the Way of the Prophet as my Guidance (here and in the Hereafter)
Lend me your Wisdom
Show me the right Path
The Path which is taken by Your Prophets and Messengers and those who are with them in the past and present

O Ye the most Knowledgeable,
Lift all the trouble I am facing today
Let me avoid all the troubles in the future
And if I am in trouble today let me face and endure all of them with strength patience and persistence
Show me the best way out of the trouble I am facing

O Mighty King, King of the Universe,
Give us strength to fight your enemies (known to us and unknown)
Put us away from the bad things
Let us be a tyrant not and let us deviate from what you have revealed not

O the Wealthiest,
Bless us with your wealth
Lend us what you have
Open the doors of Heaven and shower us with some of what you have
Bring out Your wealth from Down under (not Australia, but if there’s what you are giving me is coming from why not O Almighty)

O Allah
Bless my family
Let us live in peace and harmony
Let me love my wife the way Adam loves Eve
Let me love my children the way Luqman loves his children and don’t you separate us
Don’t you put us against each other O Allah and you are to most Knowledgeable
Let us hate each other not
Let us go through the troubles with ease
Ease our pain O Almighty

O King of all Kings, the Creator of all beings,
We thank you for the air we breathe
We thank you for all the food you have given us
We thank you for all the things you have given us
Most of all we thank you for Islam which you have given us
Let us deviate not from its teaching O Allah”


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