Tuesday, March 22, 2005

At last something to say...

I didn’t know it was hard to get ideas to write something. I mean I have tons of ideas but to canvas it as a document and to write about it may take some time. In that sense I respect those who can sit and write anything anytime anywhere. Well I don’t belong to that group of people.

I was about to write something on Jeslina Hashim’s case against the Jabatan Agama Islam Wilayah but I told myself why bother. Most people agree with her anyway. Including some of the ministers. To me, what is wrong is wrong. You don’t have to ask why other people are not arrested as well especially the non-muslims. What did she do wrong? Well for a start, we can say under Section 29 of the Shariah Criminal Offences (Federal Territory) Act 1997 (“the Act”) provides: -

“Any person who, contrary to Islamic law, acts or behaves in an indecent manner in a public place shall be guilty of an offence and shall on conviction be liable to a fine not exceeding one thousand ringgit or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six month or to both”

she may say that, well my mother didn’t say anything about what I wear, but that does not mean you are right and your parents are right at that time.

To add on to that, for those who drink (intoxicating drink) according to the Act shall be liable on cinviction for three thousand or term not exceeding two years or to both. That was mentioned under Section 19 of the Act.

So, if the JAWI people carry out their duty, and then have to discharge all these people due to pressure from certain quarters, then what the point of having first of all the laws enacted and the departments to enforce the laws. Let us live the way we choose to live anyway. No doubt there are allegations of misconduct on the part of the JAWI enforcement officers, but would that justify the release of those who were arrested that night?

Furthermore, nobody claim anything when Saleem (IKLIM) was convicted for drug offences. It is a parliament enacted laws same as the Act. Why there is double standard when it comes to religious matters or religious laws?

Then we complain why other people don’t respect our religion and us? That is why we are eating sausages made from pig intestines now. It all started with us. If we go out and eat, we never ask whether it is halal or not. And we go to places where we are not supposed to go. So the non-muslims will say if we are not careful and don’t care what people say or worst of all the shariah laws say, why should they?

The crux of it all is compliance with the shariah principles. We don’t have to propose rules and regulation to regulate muslims in discos and places where they are not supposed to be.

We don’t need to propose a law to say what’s sexy and what is not or how a muslim should dress. Wouldn’t it be absurd and have no purpose. Because the quran itself has drawn the principles of muslim aurat (man and woman). Check surah an-nur and what it says on aurat. If one does not want to follow the principles laid down by the Holy Quran don’t say something that make you look stupid. Just let it be. You don’t have to say well there is no law governing things like that.

I am saying all that because there’s a statement from certain quarters calling for rules to be enacted on attire of muslims and behavior of muslims in pubs and entertainment premises.

And as far as I can remember, this is not the first time these things happen. Remember the case of Helmi Gimik and the case where muslims ladies are caught participating in some beauty pageant contests. As a muslim, I feel embarrassed when muslims are ignorant and they plead that they didn’t know. I remember a latin phrase I learned in law school. It goes “ignorantia lex non-excusat”. The simple meaning of the phrase is ignorance of the law is not an excuse.

Thus, a person cannot plead that he does not know the law once he committed crime or act and omission, which are made a crime by any laws and/or act of parliament. I am not telling everybody to go and read law here but rather asking people to let the authorities work and do their job. There may be a necessity to streamline the enforcement bodies and the rules and regulations governing their act but don’t go and disturb their work.

I have the feeling that some quarters may not be agreeable to my opinion here, but it is up to us to uphold our religion. Don’t expect a non-muslim to come and say “hey, I am protecting Islam and muslim”.


Blogger Anonymous said...


"the minute you read something that you don't understand, you can be almost sureit was drawn up by a lawyer" (Will Rogers).

I am 100 % behind you.

Wednesday, 23 March 2005 at 08:29:00 GMT+8  
Blogger Kampong_Boy said...


my lecturer, the late Tan Sri Harun Hashim told me if you can persuade them, confuse them... that's what i am doing.

Wednesday, 23 March 2005 at 10:18:00 GMT+8  
Blogger Unknown said...

Bravo belle,

I hate reading comments from ignorance people. Ignorance about their own religion and even the law of the country.

I despise those learned people but pretend to be ignorant to issues happening around them.

Thursday, 24 March 2005 at 10:40:00 GMT+8  
Blogger Unknown said...

we were taught to pray, but we were never taught to think. And when we discovered we can actually think with our own brains, we still refused to think because we are afraid if we think, our brain will ooze down through our ears.

Thursday, 31 March 2005 at 03:29:00 GMT+8  

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